115 North Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd
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Conditions of Rental Agreement

Please note:  You can not use, rent, or exchange your unit if your maintenance fees, and/or other assessments, have not been paid.I (we) hereby grant Merriweather Condominium Rental Account the irrevocable right to rent the property herein described for the period stated above.  The rental rate will be the highest rental fee obtainable and agreed to be Merriweather Condominium rental Account at the time of rental.  Upon the rental of this property, within the terms of this agreement, I hereby agree to pay Merriweather Condominium rental Account a 25% fee of the gross rental rate.  It will be deducted at the time of rental and the balance forwarded to us.

I (we) understand if the renter should use Master Card, Visa, American Express, or Discover, the fee charged by the credit card company will be deducted from the rent.

I (we) fully understand that Merriweather Condominium Rental Account may rent my unit by the night if they have been unable to secure a weekly rental.

I (we) understand that I (we) may secure a renter, but first must check with Merriweather Condominium Rental Account to see if that unit has already been rented.  If I (we) do secure my (our) own renter, no commission shall be due.

If Merriweather Condominium Rental Account is unable to rent my unit through normal means, I (we) authorize Merriweather Condominium Rental Account to use travel agencies or other related procurement companies to secure renter.  I (we) understand that the additional fee will be deducted from the gross rental to cover their services.

It is the owner’s responsibility to contact the Merriweather Resort to check on rental status.

  • Merriweather Condominium Rental Account will only rent units at the marketable rate for that season.  Owners requiring rates should promote their own renters.
  • If the owner rents his own unit(s). he/she is responsible for collecting all monies and deposits.  In addition, he/she must give the renter a letter of introduction to present at check-in, stating that they are entitled to use the unit.
  • Any owner renting his/her own unit assumes full responsibility for any damages incurred by the renter.
  • If an owner should decide to cancel his/her rental agreement, it is his/her responsibility to call the resort first, followed immediately by written notice to the Merriweather Condominium Rental Account.  After doing so, we may take the name off our rental list, provided your unit has not already been rented.
  • An owner may not request an exchange if his/her unit is up for rent.
  • Rental agreements are entered on our rental charts according to the date the rental agreement is received by the Merriweather Condominium Rental Account.
  • At least 60 days notice is required if an owner decides to use the services of a travel agency.
  • In order for the Merriweather Condominium Rental Account to procure a rental, the owner must be current in maintenance, assessments, and any other related fees.